Patrick Pratt currently provides technical and technology advice and assistance on a part-time basis for the law office, in addition to his full-time career position at Denison University in Ohio. Previously, he served as Legal Assistant and Business Manager for the firm.
Previously, Patrick was the Program Manager of the Colorado Manufacturing Initiative, a program of the Colorado Association of Commerce & Industry. There he was responsible for working with manufacturers and related businesses to foster a robust manufacturing sector in Colorado. Patrick built relationships among manufacturers through programming and education. He also advocated for policy conducive to manufacturing at the state and federal levels.
Before that, Patrick spent three and a half years at the South Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce – more than one year as the Director of Public Policy. He was responsible for the organization’s education and advocacy efforts at the local, state, and federal levels and was the staff coordinator for the Legislative Action Committee, Business Leaders for Responsible Government, and Science Technology Engineering & Math Education Coalition.
Patrick also served as secretary to the chamber’s board of directors.
Prior to his work at the South Metro Denver Chamber, Patrick worked for three years in the city manager’s office at the city of Centennial, CO. He managed the city’s youth commission, provided support to the communications and events team, and worked on special projects for the city manager.
In 2007, Patrick was elected to serve on the home rule charter commission for the City of Centennial. The group of 21 elected community members drafted the “constitution” for the city of 100,000 residents.
Patrick holds a B.A. in international studies from the University of Colorado Denver.