Lawyers need lawyers too, and when your professional reputation and livelihood are at stake, you need a lawyer that knows the ins-and-outs of Colorado disciplinary proceedings. A request for investigation letter from the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel should not be taken lightly, as it could be a precursor to a public disciplinary proceeding with your law license on the line. Mr. Pratt works to ensure that attorneys are treated fairly and afforded due process in the relevant discipline and regulatory proceedings.
Malpractice claims affecting different professions often present common procedural rule and substantive law elements. Although standard of care evidence differs among the professions, skills learned in the defense of one profession are often transferable to others. Whether you are a lawyer, doctor, engineer, or other professional, Mr. Pratt is here to help you defend your work and your reputation.
Proactive advice on matters of legal ethics and professional liability can, hopefully, help you to avoid the need for a defense in the first place. Mr. Pratt is available for consultations on matters of legal ethics and issues of professional liability as they arise in your everyday practice.
Mr. Pratt has handled a broad spectrum of insurance defense and coverage cases involving several different types of claims and insurance policies. Althourh he is primarily a trial attorney, he pursues creative solutions and alternatives to litigation. However, he is also ready to see a matter through trial when that is necessary. He focuses on early case evaluations, effective summary judgment motions when appropriate, developing a case for expedient settlement when possible, and efficiently and effectively presenting a case at trial to a jury or judge as needed.
Clarence Darrow once said, "You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom." Mr. Pratt conscietiously defends individuals accused of crimes. He knows there's no time to waste and that your defense needs to start immediately and with urgency. He empahsizes prompt investigation of the facts and analysis of the charges and evidence, and he encourages honest and straightforward communication with the client in an effort to get a case resolved when possible, or ready for trial when necessasry.